Good Concise overview – Kraken Fashion Statement: Suit After Suit

FYI did you know the Kraken name comes from the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, nicknamed the Kraken which is located on Fort Huachuca, Arizona.

General McInerney clarified that Powell had been using data provided by the 305th, and others, as fuel for legal battles, including her Georgia lawsuit, which alleges that the Chinese, Russians, and Iranians used Dominion to interfere in the 2020 U.S. Presidential election.

I will include a copy and pasted version below, you may need to visit the page to download any of the lawsuits

Kraken Fashion Statement: Suit After Suit

ByPatrick Colbeck


By Patrick Colbeck

The image of a Kraken is so appropriate as a metaphor of the battle to expose fraud in the 2020 Election. Many tentacles are required to tap into a complex web of election process subversion that combines “traditional” Chicago-style politics with massive technological manipulation of votes.

It is evident to those investigating the 2020 election that years of planning have gone into what by all appearances is an attempted coup. Now, legal experts, technology experts and every day Americans are in a race to connect all the dots in a manner sufficient to pass muster in our judicial system and our elected representatives. The main instruments of this effort are a suite of lawsuits which have been introduced in battleground states such as Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.

Why does it matter?

  • The same pattern of election fraud and voter fraud writ large occurred in all the swing states with only minor variations regarding Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin.
  • The media consensus allocates 232 Electoral College votes for Donald J. Trump
  • Lawsuits have been filed in Battleground States of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia
  • If successful, these lawsuits stand to add 52 Electoral College votes to Donald J. Trump for a total of 284 votes which exceeds the 270 vote threshold necessary to become President
  • Additional lawsuits are pending in Wisconsin and Arizona
  • If additional lawsuits are successful, another 21 Electoral College votes would be added to Donald J. Trump vote tally putting him at 305

Michigan Summary

  • Analysis indicates that as many as 289,866 votes may have been cast illegally…more than enough to overcome the current projected deficit of 154,188
  • Significant concerns with security of Chain of Custody due to widespread use of Dominion Voting Systems (47 of 83 counties)
  • Dominion Voting Systems were accessed by foreign agents acting on behalf of China and Iran
  • Significant evidence of “traditional” voting fraud and “Michigan Election Code violations supplemented by healthy doses of harassment, intimidation, discrimination, abuse and even physical removal of Republican poll challengers to eliminate any semblance of transparency, objectivity or fairness from the vote counting process”

Michigan-Powell LawsuitDownload

Georgia Summary

  • Analysis indicates that a minimum of 96,600 ballots were requested and counted but never recorded as being returned to county election board. The current projected vote margin in favor of Joe Biden is 12,670.
  • Evidence of systematic “ballot stuffing”
  • Significant concerns with security of Chain of Custody due to widespread use of Dominion Voting Systems
  • Dominion Voting Systems were accessed by foreign agents acting on behalf of China and Iran

Georgia-Powell LawsuitDownload

Georgia-John Wood LawsuitDownload

Georgia-Lin WoodDownload

Pennsylvania Summary

  • 682,479 mail-in ballots were processed without review by political parties and candidates. 81,660 is the currently projected gap between Trump and Biden.
  • Numerous election code violations preventing transparency of election process
  • Blatant bias in favor of Democrats regarding spoiled ballots guidance
  • Evidence of a 2-tiered voting system that effectively devalued in-person votes in deference to the mail-in votes

Pennsylvania-Trump LawsuitDownload

2020 PA Ballots Requested-Returned DataDownload

Concluding Remarks

These court cases are based upon the signed affidavits of hundreds of average Americans who performed their civic duty as poll workers, poll challengers, poll watchers or simply concerned citizens seeking to make sense of election abnormalities that indicated subversion of our election.

There were also many government officials who were diligent as well. On September 12th, President Trump issued an Executive Order to prevent foreign interference in the United States general election. In response to this order, the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion was tasked with monitoring signal intelligence related to foreign interference in our election. Insiders anticipate that much of this evidence will be shared in pending court battles.

How will the 2020 Election be concluded? Time will tell. Next key milestone will be December 14th. That is when the state electors have to assign their votes to the Electoral College.

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