12/7 A Day will live in Infamy, Rudy has Covid, Pompeo says China’s been influencing Governors, AZ closes House due to Covid, Lin Wood threatened by CCP

Remembering some of the people that kept us Free and fought for fair elections


A MUST WATCH speech by Pompeo discussing a conference that all governors (NGA) “were invited to an event with an occasion for exclusive deal making”

“The opportunities for mutually beneficial economic development between China and our individual states are tremendous”

Deal making sounds like it might hvae come from President Trump, but it was actually from a former governor

I was being invited to the US Governors Collaboration Summit

Co hosted by the NGA and the Chinese Peoples Association for Friendship in Foreign Countries

Sounds harmless, but they are the public face of the Chinese Communist Party’s Official Foreign Influence Agency

They categorized governors as Hardliners, Friendly, unknown

I would think Kemp was there and may have made new friends


Here is a Chinese video with Kemp speaking at the beginning about China being a top resource for export/Import



Date and Time of Broadcast: Monday, December 7, 2020 beginning at 10 a.m.

Link: https://youtu.be/PNAdnT53MZA





On the morning of November 5, as the 2020 election hung in the balance, Arizona federal agents raided a two-story house in Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, a county that had become a key battleground in the presidential race.

Barr has since said no Widespread Fraud has occurred, so I doubt anything will come of this





This is a long run, good job


I’m a F’n teacher, go F yourself



I’m pretty sure I covered this, but in short Zuckerberg donated 400 million to a non profit that then gave it to select counties to sway the vote

Created disparities between counties of personnel who could help voters fix/complete forms and others who couldn’t

Some had personnel to count, others didn’t

It’s illegal for these counties to take outside money for obvious bribery/undue influence



A Mathematician, it is very long, unless you are a glutten (no I didn’t watch it all) just follow the link to read the facts below it

GA Summary:

Final hijacked state is 287,424 total votes. 242,434 Biden, 42,109 Trump, Net gain 200,325

Final hijacked state is 14.65% Trump.

He is testifying in court to these results

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