Quote of the Day
It’s usually an ill-advised idea to challenge someone to a battle of wits when you’re completely unarmed.
A bit of local news
From Marley’s Music Teacher – Canceling after school (band) rehearsals. You may know by now that Beaufort Middle had a positive Covid test result today at school. ). I was notified at the end of the school day that I was in close contact with said person today. In order to follow CDC guidelines, I must quarantine and work from home until December 18th. … we will not be able to take a video together for our Virtual Concert
I wasn’t going to lead with this or repeat a story, but seems appropriate considering the next 3 videos in GA,NV & MI and let’s not forget corrupt PA. The certification of votes in these and other states are falling apart. Legislators in some of these states are putting in legislation to take back the electoral votes from the Governors and Secretary of States. Watch Fareed’s video on what may happen and remember Trump said he would accept the decision of the Electoral College (we’ll see).
Don’t think this is real, see the next article from The Hill posted 12/3, why are they trying to shake doubt on the Electoral College now?
Now for the 3 states mentioned above
All witnesses have signed affidavits under penalty of perjury (jail) and are all admissible as EVIDENCE
Do not believe the MSM or Democrats when they say there is no evidence I’ve sent it to you or linked to it https://hereistheevidence.com/ and you can watch it below
Compelling 18:00 testimony, she called FBI 11/5, never called back
Next week more is coming out about Elections Center
Sub Contractor for Dominion in Michigan
They ran ballots through multiple times
I was there all night and not a single ballot run for Donald Trump
Something very illegal occurring, what occurred is outright FRAUD
District Judge James Russell ordered both parties to submit proposed orders to the court by 10 a.m. on Friday so he can quickly make a ruling with enough time for either party to appeal to the Nevada Supreme Court.
Note the Twitter warning when I tried to like the video, you can still like it, but this is too much
The video shows and is narrated by the witness showing after they ushered everyone out of the room
They then pulled out 4 large suitcases from under a table and began counting the ballots they contained
And with that censorship comes this
Then this on the Ingraham Angle
Wait What did he just say?
Listen to the video, clear as day, clear as when he said “most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
He said what we all figured out a long time ago, he is looking for a way to resign and let Kamala take over
Sorry Lindsay, I voted for you, but nothing ever happens, just more meaningless hearings
I don’t like Juan and stopped watching The 5 because of him, but don’t wish ill of him either
Maybe now he’ll stop lecturing us on how the President has SuperSpreader events?